🤖Creating your application

Configuration files


If you're here, you have copied your bot's token. If it's not the case, click here.

To keep your token safe, you should create a config.json file in your bot's folder.

The file should look like this:

  "token": "insert token here"
const config = require('./config.json');

If you're using Git or GitHub Desktop, you should add this file to .gitignore

Using environment variables

There is another way to keep your token safe, and it is a better way. For this you'll need to create a new file named .env, your file should look like this:


Installing dotenv

To use .env in your file, you'll need to use dotenv. So let's install it:

npm install dotenv

Setting up a new bot with TouchGuild

Creating index.js

To code your bot, you'll need a file called index.js

After creating it, you'll be able to setup your bot.

Here's an example of code:

// importing TouchGuild
const { Client } = require("touchguild");

// If you created a .env file:
const client = new Client({ token: process.env.TOKEN });

// If you created a configuration file:
const config = require("./config.json");
const client = new Client({ token: config.token });

// detect when a message is created.
client.on("messageCreate", async (message)=> {
   const member = await message.member;
   if (member.bot == true) return;
   if (message.content == "!ping"){
      message.createMessage({ content: "pong!" });

client.connect(); // connect to guilded

You're now ready to create many commands as you want for your bot!

Have fun!

Last updated