Application Commands

Learn how to register and use application commands, making reception of commands a whole lot safer, enabling developers to receive the right type of option they set.

Why have we developed this?

We have developed command interactions and therefore application commands to help developers focus on the most important part of their application, not only this but to standardize how commands and options linked to them should behave, all of that making developers able set strict requirements to their commands at a glance, so you don't have to worry if the type of an option is correct for example.

Benefits for developers

Application commands are beneficial for both developers and their userbase, allowing strict requirements for commands, private notification to users when a command option is missing or incorrect, using the slash commands so users should switch less to other prefixes, and so on..

They're an essential part of standardazing commands on the platform, making command execution on the platform in a uniform way.

We know that the use of prefixes makes executing commands way more complicated than it should be, and we also do know that two applications using the same prefix can lead to executing the same command for two different app, that's why we require an application short name to be specified, making significant distinction between your app and other applications.


Example of an application command.

Facilitating interactivity

The short name can definitely be some kind of annoyance to some people, it is needed, but is a technical limitiation as we do not have control over Guilded's UI to fix current issues, we've implemented a great way to counter this limitation by

Introducing Reply Commands

Thanks to this unique and intuitive feature, you are able to execute commands by removing the short name from the command, as you're replying to the said application, we do not need to specify the short name of the application to execute its command, that is making application commands faster to type and execute on the fly.


Private notifications for missing or invalid required options

We've devloped an intuitive way to notify users that a required option is invalid or missing, and by displaying each command option in order, highlighting the ones that are missing or invalid, and optional options are displayed in italic.

The "minutes" option being missing is highlighted, message option being optional is in italic.

Registering more than a word using the string option type

You can register more than one word using this type by putting your sentence in quotation marks.

More control over your commands

Overall, application commands are giving you, developers, more control over your commands, giving you the ability to enforce options without any need of checking their type, but are also an incredible way to interact, standardizing how you and an application should interact in an intuitive way.

Learn more on how to register Application Commands.

Last updated

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